L'innovazione nel territorio


L'innovazione nel territorio


Startupeasy -


BIOREMEDIATION ​ ASPIDIA can reliably and effectively help you identify the most suitable enzymes, performing custom optimization, for new bioremediation and transformation processes for specific industrial needs. By identifying enzymes tailored to the specific industrial process, you can achieve reduced operating costs and the implementation of sustainable, green infrastructure at limited fixed costs. ​ Bioinformatic analysis of enzyme sequences, from different organisms but performing the same biochemical function, provides information on conserved protein sites essential for enzyme activity and variable regions that may modulate affinity for different substrates.
Settore: Ricerca
Labels: bioremediation


BIOREMEDIATION ​ ASPIDIA can reliably and effectively help you identify the most suitable enzymes, performing custom optimization, for new bioremediation and transformation processes for specific industrial needs. By identifying enzymes tailored to the specific industrial process, you can achieve reduced operating costs and the implementation of sustainable, green infrastructure at limited fixed costs. ​ Bioinformatic analysis of enzyme sequences, from different organisms but performing the same biochemical function, provides information on conserved protein sites essential for enzyme activity and variable regions that may modulate affinity for different substrates.

Dati della startup Aspidia

Costituzione Impresa : 03/02/2021
Data iscrizione alla sezione delle Startup: 27/02/2023
Comune: MILANO
Provincia: Milano
Regione: Lombardia
Codice Fiscale: 11574000961
Codice Ateco : 7211
Settore: Ricerca


Modello di Business

BIOREMEDIATION ​ ASPIDIA can reliably and effectively help you identify the most suitable enzymes, performing custom optimization, for new bioremediation and transformation processes for specific industrial needs. By identifying enzymes tailored to the specific industrial process, you can achieve reduced operating costs and the implementation of sustainable, green infrastructure at limited fixed costs. ​ Bioinformatic analysis of enzyme sequences, from different organisms but performing the same biochemical function, provides information on conserved protein sites essential for enzyme activity and variable regions that may modulate affinity for different substrates.


Breve descrizione degli aspetti di innovazione che caratterizzano il business dell’impresa BIOREMEDIATION​ASPIDIA can reliably and effectively help you identify the most suitable enzymes, performing custom optimization, for new bioremediation and transformation processes for specific industrial needs.By identifying enzymes tailored to the specific industrial process, you can achieve reduced operating costs and the implementation of sustainable, green infrastructure at limited fixed costs.​Bioinformatic analysis of enzyme sequences, from different organisms but performing the same biochemical function, provides information on conserved protein sites essential for enzyme activity and variable regions that may modulate affinity for different substrates.

Requisiti di innovazione tecnologica


Team Qualificato

Proprietà Intellettuale

classe di produzione
1-100K euro

Leggenda Classe di Produzione
A=1-100K euro
B=100K-500K euro
C=500K-1M euro
D=1M-2M euro
E=2M-5M euro
F=5M-10M euro
G=10M-50M euro
H=più di 5OM di euro
ND=non disponibile

Leggenda Classe di Addetti
A=0-4 addetti
B=5-9 addetti
C=10-19 addetti
D=20-49 addetti
E=50-249 addetti
F=almeno 250 addetti
ND=non disponibile

classe di capitale
5K-10K euro

Leggenda Classe di Capitale
1=1 euro
2=1-5K euro
3-5K-10K euro
4=10K-50K euro
5=50K-100K euro
6=100K-250K euro
7=250K-500K euro
8=500K-1M euro
9=1M-2,5M euro
10=2,5M-5M euro
11=più di 5M di euro
ND=non disponibile

prevalenza femminile

Legenda prevalenza femminile/giovanile/straniera
NO: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 ≤ 50%
Maggioritaria: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 > 50%
Forte: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratoril / 2 > 66%
Esclusiva: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 = 100%
?: Non disponibile

I dati sulla prevalenza sono riferiti al trimestre precedente

prevalenza giovanile

Legenda prevalenza femminile/giovanile/straniera
NO: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 ≤ 50%
Maggioritaria: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 > 50%
Forte: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratoril / 2 > 66%
Esclusiva: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 = 100%
?: Non disponibile

I dati sulla prevalenza sono riferiti al trimestre precedente

prevalenza straniera

Legenda prevalenza femminile/giovanile/straniera
NO: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 ≤ 50%
Maggioritaria: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 > 50%
Forte: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratoril / 2 > 66%
Esclusiva: [% del capitale sociale + % Amministratori] / 2 = 100%
?: Non disponibile

I dati sulla prevalenza sono riferiti al trimestre precedente

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